Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Cenarth, originally uploaded by John the Monkey.

The first of tonight's Wales uploads is this, which might provoke groans among those of you who've seen one too many long exposure, milky water shots.

Ah well. I figure whilst you're shooting at ISO50, you may as well give the technique a go. I took three of these in total (each a different part of the falls or river) moving at speed, as the missus and nippers had given me a deadline to get my pics.

Cliché aside, I love what longer exposures do to colour.

These next two pictures are part of my ongoing "White Suit" project. Once again, I owe a huge debt of thanks to the two gentlemen featured in these, who were kind enough to let me take the two shots you see here.

I also owe them an apology, as it's taken me way longer to process these films than I'd anticipated.

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