Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Alarm Tones

When you have an earlier start than your partner, the choice of morning alarm can be a source of some discontent.

I used to wake up to Jean Narcy's "Bravo Eddy";


Unfortunately, the rousing chorus of "La la la"s at the begining caused Mrs Monkey to awaken too, something she was a bit unhappy about at 5am.

So my alarm more recently has been the Tour De France theme, from Channel 4's coverage back in the '80s and '90s;

This works pretty nicely - not too strident at the beginning, and does get you in the mood for the morning commute. Is it really appropriate for the Winter months though, where my riding is curtailed to a 3 mile bimble to and from train stations on the Brompton?

Mrs Monkey's choice, given her dubbing of the Brompton as "that clown bike" would undoubtedly be this;

What I'm actually using is the main theme from Suspiria, by Goblin;

It has pretty much everything you want from an alarm tone - gentle chimes to start, becoming gradually louder, with sinister whispering and a feeling of creeping dread should you not stop the alarm and get up in time. Or maybe that's just me.

Posted via email from monkeyphoto's posterous

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