Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Cozy Beehive has an interesting piece on the forces experienced during a sprint crash.
Is that a lot of force? Depends whom you talk to and which industry they belong to. But for the Boy Racer, it would really seem he were getting slapped hard on his back by a Sumo wrestler applying 10 times the former's body weight in force, roughly about 6 Kilo newton or 1300 pounds.
You can read the article here.


Cosmo wonders in this piece whether it's time to re-examine the one week "tour tune up" races. I was a bit busy to follow the Dauphiné properly, but rather wish I'd made the time now.

Karl On Sea's Ironman is looming. He's doing this particular piece of lunacy (an Ironman is 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and 26.2 mile run) in aid of a fantastic cause, Macmillan Cancer Support, and you can sponsor him here.

A nice piece at the end of Cycling Inquisition's latest article, about remembering to tell the nice stories about your commute, as well as the horror stories too.


Burley have a guest post over at the bike trailer blog, with a bit of company history, and some information on their "Travoy" trailer. The idea of the Travoy is that it mounts to a seatpost hitch, and can be removed & wheeled with you when you get to your destination (a bit like a cool shopping trolley, if you can imagine such a thing). As they say;
Since you can take the new Burley inside with you, there’s no need to worry about locking up what’s in your pannier bag or leaving anything outside. And if you don’t want to stand the trailer up in your office or a restaurant, it folds down to briefcase-size to fit under your desk or in your cramped downtown apartment.
It's another neat solution in a growing number of neat solutions to carrying large things on a bike. How large? Well, there's a list in the post itself, but my favourite is pictured above...

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