Thursday, May 12, 2011

From Podium Café: The Big White Elephant in the Room - the Portrayal of Sportswomen in the Media


An interesting piece by "miffyg" on Podium Café.

I have to admit to feeling uneasy about the "Cycle Passion" style of promotion - something that seems to have filtered into cycling from the world of FHM et al, one where the "raunchy" photoshoot is almost a prerequisite for celebrity. I have cycling calendars, and generally they depict races, victories and iconic moments from the sport's history. They don't show riders larking about in their pants.

So why is women's cycling different?

To take a couple of examples, this shot of Lizzie Armistead winning at the Tour of Chongming Island;

Or this pic of Hannah Barnes;

Would be the equivalent of what we see when male racers are depicted - and for me, they're a better portrayal of the riders and the sport.

(Yes, I know about Pippo's Sidi ad - I'd argue that's the exception, not the rule).

Miffyg's shoot is still somewhat artificial (wrenching in your race kit?) but kudos to her for steering away from the "cheesecake" style she was uncomfortable with.

Posted via email from monkeyphoto's posterous

1 comment:

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Mandie Hayes