Friday, March 11, 2011

From The Trouble With Chickens

A Cluck Who's Gone To The Dogs

With the advent of March, the first of the 3 books that have consumed my every waking moment for the past several years has finally appeared on store shelves. The title in question is my inaugural foray into illustrating children's books, a handsome little read called The Trouble With Chickens. I wasn't sure whether to discuss it here, since it is a children's book and I definitely don't want children following a google search back to this completely inappropriate site. But then again, a google search will probably turn up several steamy images of my bronzed doppleganger, so perhaps this is the lesser of two evils.

A spread from The Trouble With Chickens

Illustrator and cartoonist (you might know his work on Birthday Street, and the Superest) has illustrated a children's book. Lovely art, do take a look.

Posted via email from monkeyphoto's posterous

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