The shot above is taken from Carrog Station, looking down the track towards Berwyn, and beyond there Llangollen itself.
A little while after this was taken, Foxcote Manor arrived, and I comprehensively muffed the picture I was going to take of it, which irked me no end.
Cylinder, originally uploaded by John the Monkey.
This shot is another from the shed, and shows 5532's cylinders - I'm not sure it's a particularly good shot (although personally, I do like all the lines and tones). I took it largely so I could write that the cylinder linings were recently replaced. These have to fit so tightly that the volunteers freeze them with liquid nitrogen (so the metal contracts) before inserting them (these guys are hardcore). I believe the linings are quite hard to remove after that ;).
Signs, originally uploaded by John the Monkey.
Lastly, I want to share this with you - a detail of 80072, owned by the Llangollen Standard Four Trust. You can read this engine's history here. I'm not sure what the calculations on the side are, but I thought they made for an arresting image.
The volunteers hope that 80072 will be restored and in steam in 2008.
As ever, you can see larger versions of the pictures, and development information by clicking the pictures themselves.
These were taken on the shareholders open day for 5532, (see this post) my thanks once again to the volunteers of the Llangollen Railway Society, and to my Dad for inviting me to the open day.